Friday, August 28, 2015

First Week of School

Happy Friday! We had a busy first week of school! We spent most of our week getting to know each other, our classroom and our school! However, we did find time to also start our math and literacy programs. We have some great readers! They were begging for independent reading time! 

As many of you know, Summit Street School is implementing Bridges 2.0 as a math curriculum this year. We have completed our first two lessons which had us making people glyphs! We had to use the legend to figure out what our own glyph would look like. Then today, we were able to look at everyone's glyphs and sort them in a variety of ways. Ask your student if they remember some of the ways we sorted the glyphs! 

This week we also took some time to learn about ourselves as learners. We worked on self-portraits, taking time to look in the mirror and notice what is special about each individual. Lots of focused third graders! 

Lastly, we got to know the other third graders. This afternoon we got to spend some time as a third grade team out on the playground! 

Check Friday Folders because there is information about birthday celebrations, the new math curriculum, how to subscribe to the classroom blog, as well as a book order. 

As always, please email me with questions or concerns! 

Have a great weekend! 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

First Day!

We had a great first day together! Some things you can ask your child about: 
-the otter book
-First Day Jitters (how were they feeling)
-recess expectations
-which book they chose to read today! 

We also had a chance to do a class scavenger hunt. We went around the room trying to find other people in our class that fit the category we were searching for (only child, went swimming over the summer, etc.) 

Here are some pictures from today! 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Summer Adventures

 I cannot believe the first day of school is just a week away! I'm so excited to start this school year! In your summer letter that should be coming in the mail soon, I asked you to bring a picture of something you did this summer! I thought I would share some pictures of things I did this summer.  

I spent the last two weeks traveling in a car with three friends from Chicago, IL to San Francisco, CA! Some of my favorite stops along the way:

Badlands National Park in South Dakota! 

Golden Gate Bridge (very windy!) 

 Grand Canyon (I was a little nervous standing this close to the edge!)

I am excited to hear about your summer adventures!